Expansive Soils and Differential Settlement

Expansive soils and differential settlement are common in our area.  Expansive soils are the leading cause for differential movement in foundations in our area as well.  If you enjoy YouTube and technical construction issues you should consider subscribing to...
Your R Value is a Little Low.

Your R Value is a Little Low.

This is one of the items we check during the inspection of new construction.  One of the energy code requirements is to have proper insulation in the attic space.  The required depth depends upon the standard you follow, which is either prescriptive or performance. ...
Taped Distribution Register Grill – Testing Ductwork

Taped Distribution Register Grill – Testing Ductwork

This photo is a taped distribution register grill.  This was taped for pressure testing of the duct system to determine its leakage rate which should be below 4%.  This is accomplished by taping the registers and returns and using a testing blower which will...
Poor Tape Flashing Application

Poor Tape Flashing Application

Poor tape flashing application is common in residential window installation in new construction, and this can result in water entry.  In the video water entry was found to be occurring even during framing stage because it rained pretty hard during the inspection. ...