If you live in Texas and you have been here the last few days you know they have been HOT! Texas heat can be dangerous and in construction consulting and on daily inspections we work in the weather rain or shine hot or not so we have to be careful not to become...
If your foundation has been repaired and you have voids like the one shown in the picture along the edge of the foundation you need to regrade soil as soon as possible. These voids can occur within 1 to 2 years after a foundation has been repaired as a result of...
What’s The Difference Between a Professional Engineer and a Professional Real Estate Inspector? The main difference is education and experience. There are many qualified Real Estate Inspectors in Texas, but they bring a different scope of work and a different skill...
While inspecting a house I ran across several toilets in the house that cleared the bowl 3 to 4 times when flushed. This was an odd occurrence that caught my attention. When I noticed this at the first toilet I had concern that perhaps the toilet drain was not...
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