Foundation corner chips are fairly common where the foundation is supporting brick veneer along the edge of the foundation. They look scarry but they are only a probable indicator of foundation movement. Chips commonly occur because the brick supported by the...
Expansive soils and differential settlement are common in our area. Expansive soils are the leading cause for differential movement in foundations in our area as well. If you enjoy YouTube and technical construction issues you should consider subscribing to...
Drainage is an Issue Do you ever think about the drainage conditions around your foundation and how they might affect the performance of your foundation? Poor soil grading at repair piers can cause foundation settlement. Prevention of poor drainage allowing water to...
Most of the home foundation construction in the Houston area today is post tensioned slab on grade foundations. This type of foundation is not reinforced with conventional reinforcing steel bar but is reinforced using tendons that compress the concrete in two...
Cracks in brick are commonly caused by differential movement in a buildings foundation but did you know brick can also demonstrate foundation movement in other ways? One less well known indicator is identifying curved brick mortar lines in the brick courses by...
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