Foundation Corner Chips

Foundation Corner Chips

Foundation corner chips are fairly common where the foundation is supporting brick veneer along the edge of the foundation.  They look scarry but they are only a probable indicator of foundation movement.  Chips commonly occur because the brick supported by the...
Proper Drainage After Foundation Repairs

Proper Drainage After Foundation Repairs

Drainage is an Issue Do you ever think about the drainage conditions around your foundation and how they might affect the performance of your foundation? Poor soil grading at repair piers can cause foundation settlement. Prevention of poor drainage allowing water to...
Foundation Showing Distress?  We Can Help You Sort Your Options.

Foundation Showing Distress? We Can Help You Sort Your Options.

These images display some common evidences of foundation distress.  There were several bids for repair of this building’s foundation by prominent companies.  While these evidences appear severe and the house had experienced differential settlement toward the...
Foundation Repair?

Foundation Repair?

One of the biggest concerns when looking at buying a house is the performance of the foundation.  If you are unsure if a foundation has been repaired one way you can tell is to look for patches in the flat work concrete outside or interior floors. The photograph for...
Post Repair Foundation Elevations

Post Repair Foundation Elevations

When a client calls about foundation performance issues and the office asks if they have any historical elevation data the first question we typically get is, “What are elevations?”  The term “elevations” is used to describe a series of measurements made at the...