Capillary Action

The action by which water flows in narrow spaces or remains adhered to surfaces without assistance of external forces and may flow in any direction away from a supply of water often against gravity.  This phenomenon occurs due to the combination of cohesion (the...


In construction terminology this is a common abbreviation for water resistant barrier.  Water resistant barrier can be designated as one of many materials or types of materials that prevent water penetration at the defined envelope building when combined with proper...

Cold Joint

A discontinuity in the structure of concrete formed when a concrete surface cures or hardens before the next batch of concrete is placed.  This results in weakness in the concrete structure being formed unless special provisions have been made for the cold...


A projection jutting out from a wall to support a structure above it.


Colloquial term often used in describing a low spot in a horizontal section of sanitary drain line or vent line.  Low spots can trap water and solids leading to  drain clogs.