Rafter Tie

Where ceiling joists are not connected to the rafters at the top of the wall plate because they rest at a lower elevation, rafter ties are connected to the sides of the rafters where they rest on the top plate to provide restraint from the end thrust of the rafters...

Rafter Tail

That part of a rafter which extends beyond it bearing at the top plate of the wall past the outside face of a wall.


A type of water distribution pipe fabricated from cross-linked polyethylene.  PEX tubing is a plastic material used for both residential water supply piping systems and hydronic heating systems (using water). Advantages Include: Potentially Fewer Leaks : PEX plumbing...

Category 3 Water

As defined by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, Category 3 water is grossly contaminated and can contain pathogenic, toxigenic or other harmful agents and can cause significant adverse reactions to humans if contacted or consumed....

Coping Flashing

The flashing detail placed over the top of an exposed wall at the roof or at horizontal interfaces between siding materials.  In the case of a wall cap it is usually composed of metal, used to cover or shield the top of the wall below and cover the top of the upper...